About Our Mission and the Love You Well Program
Love You Well Foundation’s mission is to spread love and support, raise spirits and hope to women in challenging circumstances, while also bringing awareness to the importance of self-care for health and well being.
As one of our top initiatives, the Love You Well Foundation currently provides a compassionate self-care program supporting women undergoing cancer treatment facilitated through the Cancer Centers Of Southwest Oklahoma at the Taylor LeNorman/McCasland Cancer Center in Duncan, Oklahoma.
The program’s recipients receive a “Love You Well Self-Care Kit” that includes a $50 gift certificate that she can apply towards her choice of various options of self-care services and goods provided by locally owned small businesses.

Who we are
Love You Well Foundation is a creation of Southern Oklahoma Ladies Golf Alliance, SOLGA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Duncan, OK that began in 2019. SOLGA is operated 100% by volunteer members (SOLGA Sisters), and organized to encourage and maintain an enthusiastic interest and participation level for women in the sport of golf for the southern Oklahoma area as well as supporting women’s focused charities in our community through various fundraisers.
SOLGA’s mission is to use our love of golf to create positive and supportive experiences for the women in our communities. The Love You Well Foundation is an extension of our mission.
WHY? Women are inarguably and historically the nurturers and caregivers of our world and deserve support and recognition of the added burden of a cancer diagnosis. Self-care is health care and we recognize the struggle that women have when facing a cancer diagnosis that goes beyond doctor’s visits, surgeries, procedures and treatments. Often this can be a time when self-care falls to the wayside. We hope to encourage women to make themselves and their health a priority in their daily lives.
We call our golf days, “mental health days”. Love You Well recipients and/or their female caregiver will also receive a golf invitation with free green/cart fee to come learn, play, laugh with SOLGA. Self- care is fundamental to health care and there is nothing healthier than fresh air, nature, sunshine, moderate exercise, friendships and laughter. Just ask the women who golf well into their 80’s!
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